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CORE Schriftzug

CrossOver Relocation

& Administration Services


Torsten Schröder
CrossOver Relocation & Administration Services

Torsten Schröder
CrossOver Relocation & Administration Services

Glockenstraße 56
41169 Mönchengladbach
NRW, Germany


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Supervisory authority:
Amtsgericht Mönchengladbach VAT

Notice of liability:
Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. Are solely responsible for the content of linked pages on this site.

All images, text, and content are the property of the publisher. Any use on other sites is permitted only with permission of the publisher. Banners are protected by copyright of the respective publisher. All news, images and graphics serve as an offer of CROSSOVER RELOCATION & ADMINISTRATION SERVICES GbR and are for the personal information of the user. Use is at your own risk. A liability for the use of the Service or its availability is not assumed. This also applies to consequential damages. All data, especially the pages / databases relating to this offer pursuant to § 4 and §§ 87a et seq. Of the Copyright Act copyright protection. Processing or reproduction is permitted only if this is required for access to the sites / databases or normal use. Any further processing, copying, distribution and / or public exceeds the normal use / evaluation of the sites / databases and constitute a breach of copyright will be prosecuted and sued for damages. The copyright for pages -Pictures and graphics is CROSSOVER RELOCATION & ADMINISTRATION SERVICES GbR.

Technical realization:
Mario Kretschmer